Mobile App Terminology

Hierarchical conversion values

What are Hierarchical Conversion Values?

Hierarchical conversion values are part of a new feature that Apple introduced with their SKAN 4 release that allows for more granular and flexible conversion tracking with iOS 15+. 

With hierarchical conversion values, advertisers are able to assign multiple conversion values to each conversion event, which can provide more detailed user and campaign performance data. For instance, at low levels of crowd anonymity, SKAN 4 will provide coarse-grained conversion values: one of up to 3 potential values. At higher levels of crowd anonymity, SKAN 4 will return fine-grained conversion values: a 6-bit number with up to 64 variables.

With these higher levels of granularity, marketers receive fewer null conversion values for app installs measured with SKAdNetwork, have more data they can use to optimize their campaigns, and increase visible ROAS and ROI on their marketing efforts.

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How do marketers use hierarchical conversion values?

Hierarchical conversion values can be divided into two categories: coarse-grained and fine-grained values. The appearance of each category depends on reaching a certain number of app installations:

  • Coarse-grained value: If an app has a lower number of app installs, marketers will receive a coarse-grained value: 1 of 3 potential conversion values.
  • Fine-grained value: With more app downloads and higher crowd anonymity (the new privacy thresholds) advertisers gain access to more detailed attribution information while still maintaining user privacy. Fine-grained values will provide access to the full 64 conversion values available.

Hierarchical Conversion Values

As you can see, marketers will receive hierarchical conversion values differently based on the number of app installs they receive. As highlighted in our post on SKAN 4 strategy:

The simple part: more installs per campaign equals higher crowd anonymity which will return more data. If you get only a few installs per campaign, you’ll only get minimal data. A large number of installs per campaign — only Apple knows how many, and the parameters could change over time — gets you the most data.

In each category, however, hierarchical conversion values can be used to drive ROI insights and optimize the performance of each campaign.

How does Singular support hierarchical conversion values in SKAN 4?

While hierarchical conversion values have the potential to provide more information about the performance of campaigns, without the right tools in place this can be overwhelming for marketers. 

Singular supports hierarchical conversion values by providing marketers with the tools they need to measure and optimize their SKAN campaigns on iOS. As a leader in marketing analytics, Singular allows you to aggregate your user-level data automatically and models for missing data so you see all your conversions and achieve accurate ROAS. 

With all your user and conversion data unified, Singular provides unrivaled ROI insights to understand and optimize your marketing efforts.

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