
Powering granular geo-based analysis

By Kelsey Lee March 16, 2021

Companies in the On-Demand and Marketplace verticals operate within highly targeted markets. A lot of thought goes into where these companies choose to do business and how they identify new markets. That precision applies to the way On-Demand and Marketplace verticals have to approach marketing efforts and campaign performance analysis – it all has to be highly targeted and requires granular data via specific Cities, DMA’s, and Regions.

Unlocking these granularities is still difficult for marketers today because:

  1. Data availability varies widely across ad networks
  2. Data sets are robust and can result in lengthy data pulls
  3. Many large ad networks have breakdown limitations and make you choose between different granularities (i.e., geo-based or keyword)

On-Demand and Marketplace marketers have historically been forced to innovate in absence of accessibility to City, DMA, and Region granularity in their performance data. Meticulous data governance, highly granular campaign and sub-campaign names, and custom logic have helped these marketers extrapolate their targeting data, however, this was still a very manual process.

Let’s Automate Reporting!

While Singular’s Custom Dimension logic delivered valuable data segmentation, the high volume of rules and need for quick iteration was a clear sign that an automated solution was crucial to efficiently scale in new and existing markets.

Singular closed the gap and has officially added support for 4 NEW dimensions that support campaign-level cost analysis at the City, Region, and DMA level.

Geo-based Analytics
Sample report using geo-based dimensions

With Singular’s flexible integration methods, we can pull these fields directly from supporting ad networks’ APIs, dashboards, and file-based reports! We are expanding support as additional networks add the capability to report on these granularities.

Time to Analyze!

Now, marketers can use Singular’s reporting interface to quickly segment by city, region, or DMA to diagnose campaign spend levels and conversion rates in existing markets.

Leveraging Singular’s API or ETL solution, marketers can easily pull data across ad networks into their BI and join it with first-party data to layer for advanced modeling.

Additionally, geo-based reporting allows marketers to identify high conversion rates in low priority markets to determine where to expand to next.

Finally, marketers can balance spending and redistribute to markets based on continually shifting supply and demand curves.
Juggling multiple marketplaces within one business requires marketers to be agile, and automation saves time, improves accuracy, and enables marketers to focus on fast-paced trends.

See How It Works!

Let Singular help you find your next promising market! See our Geo-based Analysis in action and learn how you can unlock the most granular data in the industry today by scheduling a demo with one of our product experts!

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